Part 1: A Judge Named Gideon

Scripture: Judges 6 & 7

Six Lessons We Learn About God

Through The Story of Gideon:


God uses _____ ______to get our attention.  (Judges 6:1-6)

2.   God ______ ______ than we do. (Judges 6:7-12)

3.  God _______ His _______ with His presence. (Judges 6:13-24)


4. God longs for us to have ______ own ______  in order

before we lead others in their house order.  (Judges 6:25-32)

5. God is always _______ with our ______ of faith. (Judges 6:33-40)

6. ______ is determined by God’s ______, not ours. (Judges 7:1-22)

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