Part 3: Why Share?

Acts 25:19-24, 26:1-29 / 1 Peter 3:15


Why Serve As The Church?


God’s Intention For The Church Is…

  1. A _____ and _________ to be His witnesses.

  1. To _______ be ______ to share the truth.

  1. To respond __________ to His call but expect _______.

  1. To be bold and courageous.


  1. To know that the _________ is the _______ to our message.


Practical Steps To Help You Share With Confidence:

  • Pray specifically for people you know that don’t have a relationship with Jesus.
  • Spend time with people you are praying for.
  • Look for opportunities to mention Christ in the conversation.
  • Begin to memorize some scripture so you can quote it with confidence.
  • Lead by example.
  • Invite them to church or a Christian concert or a Bible study.
  • Ask trusted friends to pray for you in these steps.


  1. To know that_____  is ______ here on earth.

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