Part 2: When Pain Is Prolonged

Job 2 – Job 30

Key Observations From Job’s Interaction 

With Friends During Prolonged Pain


1. The most important thing you can do when
you have a friend who is hurting is _________ _________ .

2. Some friends will not always continue to _________
with you—but be _________ with them anyway.

3. There is a big difference between

God’s _________ and God’s _________ .


How Can We Persevere Through Prolonged Pain?

1. Repeat the spiritual ___________ God asks
of you even though they seem perfunctory at times.

2. Don’t dwell on the “___________” ___________ forever.

3. Resist ___________ your life with others.

4. Leave ___________ to God.

5. Remain ___________ and ___________ God.

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