What We Learn About Waiting In The Bible:

1. Waiting on God is a _________  part of the Christian life.

2. Waiting can be normal and _________  at the same time.

3. While you are waiting, God is still _________.

4. While you are waiting, God is _________.


In The Waiting, God Wants To Develop Your Character:

 1. God doesn’t want your _________  to take you where your _________  can’t keep you.

2. God is often working on your _________  so you trust more in Him and less on you.

3. God is far more interested in who you are _________  than what you are doing.

4. God often wants to do something in us _________  doing something through us.

5. God’s _________  are not always God’s

What Did Habakkuk Do To Embrace The Wait?


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