Hikes Point Bible Institute

Hikes Point Bible Institute

Hikes Point’s Bible Institute offers a variety of Bible College style courses and seminars throughout the year to help individuals deepen their knowledge of God’s Word. We are thrilled to announce the return of Dr. Kurt Jefferson for this fall’s course (listed below).


The Believer’s Walk Through a Divided Society

6-week class beginning on September 11th
Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Room 104 (1st Floor)

This course will guide believers through the challenges of living in a divided society with shifting beliefs, politics, and cultural norms. We will explore how to respond to God’s call in these times and how, regardless of political election outcomes, God has a plan for His people. By studying the lives of six Biblical figures (Moses, Esther, Daniel, Amos, Jesus, and John), we will see how they navigated divided cultures in remarkable ways.

Have a Question?

If you have any questions or are interested in Hikes Point Bible Institute please contact Phil Polston.

Phil Polston

Pastor of Connection & Discipleship