What is Grow?
Once someone has come to KNOW JESUS as their Lord and Savior, we are committed to seeing them GROW to be like JESUS. We aim in everything to be all about seeing God build humble, Spirit-led disciples, who delight in Christ above all, and are investing in Kingdom fruitfulness.
Committed to seeing these developed in our church family, the grow ministry is designed around:
Grow Foundations is a place for establishing a solid foundation to grow in the Lord. It is a small group format study designed to answer key questions about following Jesus as a new believer, long-time church attender, or struggling believer in need of a firm footing to move forward. It is our commitment to helping everyone interested in spiritual growth to be set on a trajectory that launches them toward a lifetime of progressing maturity in Christ.
A Grow Group is a community committed to growing in their love for God and people. These groups discuss Biblical truth and practice the ‘one-anothers’ of the New Testament together. There are various kinds of Grow Groups and we would love to help find just the right fit for you. We are convinced that everyone who calls Hikes Point home ought to be in a Grow Group as the central place for ongoing discipleship.
Our Grow Classes deal primarily with Biblical content being passed on from teacher to hearer. These classes are rich in theology and the practical wisdom necessary to grow as a thoughtful Christian living out their faith in the world. They are lecture-based teaching events committed to equipping God’s people in truth, so they form a robust Biblical framework to view all of life through.