Part 1: I’m Invited

Luke 7:36-50


What is it that you are ALL IN for in 2025?


–  What will I invest in most? _____________

– What will I pour my energy into? ___________

 – Who will I give my time to? ____________



The Importance of Consistency in the New Year


1.  Transformation only happens when you do ________ what others do _________.

2. It’s the ________ things you do consistently that lead  to the results you want. Not the ______ things you do occasionally.

3. The cumulative effect of the small things done consistently over time can _________ your life.


Jesus Consistently Invites All People To Him


 1 . Jesus invites the people others ________.

2. Jesus invites the people others look _______ ______.

3. Jesus invites the people who feel _________.

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